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  • Jonathan_Loyche posted an update 2 months, 1 week ago

    Weekly KRC – Jun 28:

    It’s been a great weather week and I hope you are giving your sneakers some attention.

    A reminder to those running in the Utica Boilermaker and taking the KRC Bus to pay for the bus if you haven’t yet. The price increases after June 30th. More info and link to pay in on the KRC Website. There is a large group attending, and it’s always a fund day — so don’t miss out.

    Next week KRC will initiate a new series for July: Track Tuesdays will be held at the ICC track for the month. Meet at 6pm for structured workouts or to join with others for some laps each Tuesday in July. For those interested, some are planning to head to Tequila Sunrise for tacos and refreshments after the workouts. We are hoping that for those that like the track and want a bit more social outing, this will add another option to come out and join us.

    The Wednesday night Fun Runs are also going strong each Wednesday night. Come out to run or walk the OK5K loop. Poplsicles are waiting for you at the finish!!

    For many summer vacations start happening now. Have a great 4th of July, and we hope that you keep up your miles wherever you may be traveling. Join us when you are in town, but also please share any adventures or great trails you are on via the KRC Facebook page. Siobhan is always happy to get some content/ photos for future editions of The Rundown.

    Save the date: The KRC Board selected Saturday, August 24th for the KRC Summer Picnic. We’ll have free pizza and a night for socializing at S&S Brewery in Nassau. – More as the date gets closer, but please mark your calendars. This is often one of our best attended events.

    Enjoy the week ahead – Ed

    KRC Website:

    Save the Dates:

    7/2 KRC Track Tuesdays – ICC Track @ 6pm
    7/3 KRC Wednesday Night Fun Runs (Vanderpoel Lawn) 6pm
    7/14 Boilermaker and KRC Boilermaker Bus
    8/24 KRC Summer Picnic – S&S Brewery 5:30 pm

    Weekly Saturday and runs are not listed above, but sign up is in on website